3 Ways Physiotherapy Can Help with Your DOMS

Few things can ruin your morning as much as when delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)—the fancy term for muscle pain after the gym—hits. While going to the gym routinely is one of the best ways to keep your body in shape and healthy, it can also bring with it some of the worst muscle pains you will ever feel. For some people, the pain is so bothersome that they aren't able to walk after a leg day or stand up straight after a hardcore abdomen workout.

Understanding The Work of an Obstetrician

Getting pregnant is usually a happy moment for a couple. To ensure you deliver a healthy baby, it is important to visit an obstetrician as soon as you find out you are pregnant, especially if it is your first child. An obstetrician or OB is a specialist who can: Care for women during their pregnancy  Care for women after delivering a baby  Act as a gynaecologist  Can handle high-risk or complex pregnancies and births that may require interventions like caesareans, surgery on undelivered babies and delivery of premature babies.

Physiotherapy Solutions for Knee Pain in Middle-Aged Adults

If you're between 25-45 years old and you're experiencing chronic knee pain, you may feel quite limited in what you can do. Knee pain not only inhibits physical activity, but it also reduces productivity in the workplace. Many daily tasks may involve you bending and straightening your knees repeatedly. This is why addressing the cause of such discomfort is critical. While many cases of knee pain occur in older adults, those between 25-45 may also fall victim to knee pain for many different reasons.

When Should You Start Physiotherapy Sessions?

Has your physician recommend that you seek physiotherapy services? For years, elite athletes have relied on physiotherapy to cure a wide range of health problems and recover from injuries. However, this doesn't mean that ordinary people cannot seek these services too. The truth is that physiotherapy can enhance your health in ways you can't imagine. For this reason, it's essential to know when you should consider visiting a physiotherapist. Here are some common signs that it's time to go for therapy.