Surgical procedures for prostate cancer treatment

Cancer of the prostate is a significant cause of death in men. In 2014, it accounted for 13% of all deaths due to cancer in men living in Australia. Surgery is the main method of treating prostate cancer and various types of surgical procedures can be adopted depending on the patient's circumstance. The major considerations that determine the type of surgery to be performed are the size of the cancer, histopathology of the prostate (what the cells look like under a microscope), evidence of cancer spread to other parts of the body, severity of symptoms and the patient's ability to withstand surgery.

Signs That Could Indicate You Are At Risk of Melanoma

Most people know to avoid direct exposure to the sun during the hotter, summer months. However, it is important to ensure that you are mindful of direct sun exposure all year round since Australia's climatic conditions make it prone to higher levels of direct ultraviolet exposure as compared to other countries. It should be noted that not all spots, moles or discolourations on your body are harmful. Some may simply be due to excessive tanning whereas others may be genetic.

You Need These Immunisations If You Are Traveling Overseas

If you are planning on taking a trip overseas, there are some immunisations you need to get. You might be up-to-date on some of these vaccines, but others need to be taken before you book your trip. This is to ensure your health and that of others you will be close to. Routine Vaccines The first set of vaccines to be sure you get are the routine vaccines most people will get on a regular basis.

Recovering Safely From a Hip Replacement Operation

Hip replacement surgery, like any operation, may leave you tired, weak and not feeling like yourself. It's important to take the time to recover properly, not doing too much too quickly, and trying to remain patient while you get better. As long as you're careful, you should make a relatively fast recovery, with little risk of complications or any further problems. Follow these tips to make your recovery a success and to maximise your chances of returning to normal as quickly as possible.

3 Ways To Best Prepare For Your Appointment With The Osteopath

If you're suffering from chronic lower back pain and all other efforts have proved futile, an appointment with an osteopath may help you get your life back on track. This non-invasive therapy seeks to manipulate and strengthen muscular framework of your body as a whole, including your spine, joints and muscles. Follow these methods to best prepare for your back pain appointment with the osteopathy professional. Prepare Your Medical History Documents

Struggling to Breastfeed? Here's How Chiropractic Services Could Help

Above all else, whether you use formula or breastfeed, the most important thing is that your child is always well-fed. However, where possible, breastfeeding is always the most ideal choice. The Australian government recommends breastfeeding exclusively until your baby is 6 months old, with continued breastfeeding for as long as mother and baby are happy. Breastfeeding is known to reduce a baby's risk of contracting numerous illnesses, from diabetes to leukaemia.

A "Great White" Smile: All You Need to Know about Shark Teeth in Children

If you've ever watched Jaws, then you probably know what a shark's teeth look like. Sharks have two rows of teeth. Humans have one row—or at least they should. Sometimes, however, children can develop what are known as "pediatric shark teeth". In short, they have two rows of teeth instead of one. However, if you have noticed that your child's smile resembles that of a shark, don't worry. It's fairly simple to deal with.